
How to Play RL Player Hunt

Each day, there are two new Hunts: one Easy and one Hard. The goal is to identify the mystery player within 10 attempts using the given clues. Here's how to play:

  1. Step 1: Select a Game Mode

    Choose between Easy and Hard modes:

    • Easy Mode: Includes players who debuted after 2000 and played over 100 games.
    • Hard Mode: Includes players who debuted from 1990 and played over 20 games.

    There is a new Easy and Hard player to hunt daily, so come back every day for new challenges!

  2. Step 2: Start with the Seed Player

    Each hunt begins with a Seed Player card. Use the seed player's stats to start making your guesses.

  3. Step 3: Make Your Guesses

    You have 10 attempts to guess the mystery NRL player. After each guess, you'll receive hints based on the player's stats compared to the mystery player's stats. For example, you might learn that the mystery player debuted after 2009, played between 160 and 255 games, scored between 50 and 70 tries, and played for Canterbury. To narrow down your search, you can specify either the team name or the player's name in the filter box.

  4. Step 4: Use the Clues

    Use the provided clues to narrow down your options and make more informed guesses. The fewer clues you need to identify the player, the higher your score.

  5. Step 5: Win the Game

    If you correctly guess the mystery player within 10 attempts, you win! If you run out of guesses, you can try again the next day with new hunts.

  6. Scoring

    Your score is determined by two factors: the number of clues needed and the time taken to find the player. Players are first ranked by the least number of clues needed, and in case of a tie, the time taken to find the player is used to determine the ranking.